
A veneer is a new front surface for a tooth, custom made from porcelain. Veneers are extremely versatile and can be used to align crowding or protruding teeth, close gaps or lighten tooth colour. The strength and appearance of our dental porcelain veneers rivals that of natural teeth and they’re used to make long lasting changes to the smile. Veneers can be used to mask a single dark tooth but more often are used as part of smile makeover.

Before Veneer Treatment
Before Veneer Treatment

Before Veneer Treatment, Bob our former practice manager’s husband, had chipped, stained and worn-down teeth which resulted in a mouth that added years to his age and made him hesitant to smile.
After Veneer Treatment

Bob’s lower teeth were whitened to a colour he was happy with, and then a set of upper porcelain veneers were made to match his lower teeth. Bob now feels that he looks much more youthful and he can’t help smiling. 

A veneer is a thin piece of porcelain which forms a new front surface of the tooth. This can dramatically change the appearance of the teeth and can:

  • Make crooked or uneven teeth appear straighter
  • Align crowded or protruding teeth
  • Close gaps
  • Lighten tooth colour
  • Disguised chipped or worn-down teeth
  • Hide old fillings and discoloured teeth

Before you commit yourself fully, a wax-up model can be made which will show you how your new mouth will look. Whilst the veneers are being made, you will have high quality temporary teeth fitted which will enable you to carry on with your usual activities as well as having an opportunity to get used to your new smile.

With any elective procedure there may be associated risks but these will be discussed fully with you before the start of any course of treatment.

For Appointments

01293 782772

Main Location

19 Russells Crescent,
Horley RH6 7DJ

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